Schmidt Pechan Prism

Schmidt Pechan Prism

V3 Scientific Solutions, Ambala, India, excels in crafting top-quality Schmidt-Pechan prisms, renowned for their optical precision and versatile applications.

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Schmidt Pechan Prism


Experience perfection with Ambala, India V3 Scientific Solutions, which is well-known for producing superior Schmidt-Pechan prisms. Our prisms have unmatched optical precision, which makes them perfect for a wide range of uses, including binoculars, cameras, and military optics. Every prism we make is guaranteed to satisfy the highest standards of quality and performance via painstaking attention to detail and a dedication to excellence. For outstanding clarity, dependability, and durability in Schmidt-Pechan prisms, trust V3 Scientific Solutions, whether you are a professional photographer, military strategist, or outdoor lover. Improve your optical experience and travel the world with assurance because V3 Scientific Solutions has produced the best Schmidt-Pechan prisms available.

Image Rotate


Reflections (total number)


Partial transmission surfaces



Schmidt-Pechan prisms are optical devices used in binoculars, cameras, and other optical instruments to provide a compact path for light while maintaining correct image orientation. They consist of two roof prisms combined with a Schmidt prism, resulting in a more compact design than traditional roof prisms.

Construction: The Schmidt-Pechan prism comprises two roof prisms and a Schmidt prism. The roof prisms have their hypotenuse faces touching, while the Schmidt prism is positioned between them at a 45-degree angle. This arrangement allows the incoming light to reflect off the roof prisms and then pass through the Schmidt prism, resulting in a total reflection of 90 degrees and maintaining the image correct orientation.

Working Principle: When light enters a Schmidt-Pechan prism, it first encounters the roof prisms. These roof prisms reflect the light twice internally, effectively turning it by 180 degrees. The light then enters the Schmidt prism, where it undergoes a total internal reflection at a 45-degree angle. This reflection further redirects the light by 90 degrees, allowing it to exit the prism at a right angle to the original light path. As a result, the image remains correctly oriented and appears upright to the observer.

General Specifications:

Material: High-quality optical glass or crystal for excellent light transmission and minimal distortion.

Coating: Anti-reflective coatings to minimize light loss and enhance image brightness.

Working Angle: The angle at which the Schmidt prism is positioned between the roof prisms, typically 45 degrees.

Optical Performance: Provides high-resolution images with minimal aberrations and distortion.

Compatibility: Suitable for use in binoculars, cameras, spotting scopes, and other optical instruments.

Mounting: Compatible with standard mounting systems for easy integration into optical devices.

Product Details

V3 Scientific Solutions, Ambala, India, excels in crafting Schmidt-Pechan prisms. These prisms feature a compound design of two roof prisms and a Schmidt prism, ensuring compactness and correct image orientation. these values are shown below.

Property value Property value
Product Name Schmidt Pechan Prism Brand V3 SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS
Materials Optical Glass or Crystal Prism Type Schmidt Pechan Prism, Roof Prisms
Reflections (total number) 6 Perfect total internal reflection TIR 0
Imperfect TIR 5 (2 phase, 3 AR) Mirror reflection 1
Pure transmission surfaces 1 Partial transmission surfaces 3

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Other Info

V3 Scientific Solutions, based in Ambala, India, prioritizes customer satisfaction by crafting the finest high-quality optical components. With precision engineering and a commitment to excellence, we strive to meet diverse needs, ensuring reliability and satisfaction with every product we deliver.

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